I would like to invite you to celebrate the 10th anniversary of UxWien (formerly known as Interaction Design Stammtisch Wien).
Tuesday, December 9th 2014 from 7pm to ~11pm
Metalab, Rathausstraße 6, 1010 Vienna
WHAT happens at a UxWien ?
We gather at 7pm and supply ourselves with soda or beer. We start with a short intro for first-time visitors, order dinner online and do a round of introduction.
We plan tonight's meetup topics. Geeks like myself prepare a talk with slides, and pre-announce it on https://ux.piratenpad.de/30. Others improvise and shout out a subject they want to discuss during the evening. Both ways are fine.
We have two periodical, recurring topics: Recommended events in or near Vienna and job offers.
Dinner is delivered at 8.30pm. Time for a break. More talks and discussions afterwards. People come and go as they like. Around 11pm class is usually dismissed.
Collaboratively we document each UxWien Meetup at https://ux.piratenpad.de/30. Check out to learn what keep us busy and what you have missed so far.
We do speak English if non-german-speaking guests are present. Otherwise we speak German. That’s how a UxWien Meetup rolls.
UxWien Meetups are at two locations
UxWien Metalab Meetup on the 2nd Tuesday of every month – 12 times a year. Metalab is a hacker-space in the 1st district near the city hall. Have a look at their refrigerator to get an idea what a hacker-space is https://metalab.at/wiki/Fridge ;-).
UxWien Sektor5 Meetup upon announcement. Sektor5 is a coworking space in the 5th district.
UxWien announcements are available here
- http://meetup.com/uxwien
- https://twitter.com/uxwien
- https://facebook.com/uxwien
- Newsletter: https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dDZpc3RoeXlmRlo3d0w3dXRQRV9lemc6MQ&ifq
I am looking forward to see you.
Max Scheugl